Lying About Separation for Food Stamps and Medicaid in New York City

As a lawyer who deals with people accused of lying about separation for food stamps and Medicaid, I frequently hear people claim that a man is not a part of the household. As a general rule, lying about separation usually results in the DSS finding out and bringing a case against you. If that happens, you will need a New York welfare fraud attorney. Here are some of the frequently asked questions and the relevant DSS Medicaid and SNAP rules.

My husband does not live in the house

He lives in his own house, by his father, mother, both parents or aunt or uncle or even girlfriend. Is he a part of the household?

As long as you are married, he is a part of the household even if he lives somewhere else. Some people who claim that they live apart are lying about separation for food stamps and Medicaid. Some people are telling the truth. To the investigators, it does not matter. Besides, in a typical Medicaid or Food Stamp fraud investigation, the HRA DSS investigators already have records of the husband living in the house – video footage of the husband entering and exiting the house, perhaps his GPS location, interviews with the neighbors etc. Sometimes, even interviews with the husband himself where he admits he lives in the house! But that is not even the point. As long as you are married, he is a part of the household no matter where he lives.

My husband only lives in the house part-time

If your husband is there sometimes, and he even sleeps over sometimes, but a lot of the time (most of the time) he is not in the house. Does that mean that his income does not count for our Medicaid or SNAP (Food Stamp) eligibility?

As long as you are married, he is part of the household no matter where he lives. If you declare him to not be a part of the household, you are lying about separation for food stamps and Medicaid

My husband and I are separated

I listed on the application that we are separated. How is that fraud?

There is a lot of confusion about what being separated means. Legally, you are not separated until you get a judgment of separation, which is a legal document similar to a divorce. Nothing else is legally separation. So, not living together – living together but not talking – being married but having an open marriage – all of those things are not legal separation. As far as DSS representatives and the bureau of fraud investigation are concerned, no legal separation means no separation at all and omitting him from your application is considered lying about separation for food stamps and Medicaid.

Me and my husband are legally separated. Does that mean that he is not a part of the household?

Real legal separations are rare, because people can usually get a divorce for the same money. We have never seen one. But if one does happen, then yes, the two parties would be in a separate household. Unless they have children together.

The father of my children and I are not married

Is he a part of the household?

DSS rules about children’s fathers who are not married to the children’s mothers are complicated. In many cases, an unmarried domestic partner is a part of the household when you have children together. Things such as living together, claiming children as dependents on an income tax and contributing to the family’s budget can easily tip the scale towards being considered a part of the household.

Exception: If you are a victim of domestic abuse or domestic violence, under certain circumstances your husband or partner is not a part of your household.

The examples here apply to Family Health Plus and Child Health Plus investigations as well.

If you are being investigated for lying about separation for food stamps and Medicaid in New York City, do not delay, contact an attorney immediately. We at the Law Offices of Albert Goodwin are here for you. You can call us at 212-233-1233 or send us an email at [email protected].

Attorney Albert Goodwin

Law Offices of
Albert Goodwin, PLLC
31 W 34 Str, Suite 7058
New York, NY 10001

Tel. 212-233-1233

[email protected]

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