When Do I Need a Different Attorney to Take Over My Case?

You’ll know when it’s time to get a new lawyer.

The attorney/client relationship is one that takes a great deal of trust.  You are paying for your attorney to handle your case with the most professionalism and care possible.  Unfortunately, there are times where this relationship simply does not work, and it becomes time to find a different attorney.   Knowing what some of the warning signs are when it comes to how your case is being handled is the best way to be sure you know when it is time to move on.


One of the biggest red flags when it comes to your relationship with your attorney is how well your attorney communicates.  If your attorney never returns your phone calls or doesn’t give you clear explanations of what is going on with your case, it could be the beginning of a major problem.  You want to make sure that your attorney is as transparent as possible with you when it comes to how your case is handled.  When your attorney is never able to speak to you on the phone, you may have major issues in your case sneak up on you, something that is not advisable in any sort of legal matter.


Another red flag is if you have no idea or understanding about what is going on in your legal matter.  Lack of understanding means that your attorney is not explaining what is going on well enough or is even purposely being unclear in order to try to get out of giving you a proper explanation.  Not understanding what is going on in your case or what things are happening in your case mean could be a sign that a bad outcome is going to sneak up on you also.


Another potential issue that you could have with your attorney also involves transparency, albeit this would involve billing.  If your attorney is not explaining your bills very well to you, it means that you don’t know how your estate matter is being handled and ultimately don’t know what is going on with your case.  Attorneys owe you a clear explanation of what your bill means and what you own them money for.  Your attorney also owes you an explanation as to how your retainer funds are being handled, rather than just spend that money and ask for more.

This is far from an exhaustive list of reasons that you may want to get a new New York estate attorney.  It is important to make sure that you have an attorney who communicates well and acts ethically when dealing with your estate matter.  Having an attorney that communicates well can help keep you from being surprised about potential outcomes of your case while also making sure that you really understand what is going on. Call the Law Offices of Albert Goodwin at (212) 233-1233, New York estate, guardianship, wills, trust, Medicaid and probate lawyer, and make an appointment to discuss.

Attorney Albert Goodwin

Law Offices of
Albert Goodwin, PLLC
31 W 34 Str, Suite 7058
New York, NY 10001

Tel. 212-233-1233

[email protected]

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