What Can be Done to Qualify for Medicaid

Medicaid Lawyer NYC

As a leading Medicaid lawyer in NYC, Albert Goodwin can assist you with the following:

As a Medicaid Lawyer in NYC, we can help you set up a Medicaid Asset Protection Trust

A Medicaid trust is a legal entity that shields your income or assets from being considered when your Medicaid eligibility is determined. As a Medicaid lawyer in NYC, we can help you create a medicaid asset protection trust. A Medicaid trust allows you to qualify for Medicaid even if your income or assets are over the allowed limit. You can have the government pay for medical care, home health aides, and nursing home. A New York Medicaid trust is a valuable tool that helps protect your assets, allowing you to leave your estate to your family instead of using your money to pay for medical and nursing home care.

Navigating through joining a Pooled Medicaid Trust

A pooled income trust is an arrangement that allows a person to have a charity manage their money in exchange for that money not being counted as their income for purposes of eligibility for Medicaid. As a Medicaid lawyer in NYC, we can help you join a pooled Medicaid trust. The pooled income trust account functions similar to a managed bank account. The monthly non-discretionary bills, such as rent, mortgage, cable, healthcare premiums, etc., can go straight to the pooled income trust for payment. The variable expenses, such as food, clothing, travel and entertainment expenses, can be charged to a credit card, with such bill being submitted to the trust at the end of the month for payment.

Structuring a Gift and Loan transaction

Even when someone is about to enter the nursing home, it is still possible to preserve half of their assets while qualifying for Medicaid. One of the last resort tactics we use is the gift and loan technique known as “half and half.” As a Medicaid lawyer in NYC, we can help you structure a gift and loan transaction using a letter, promissory note and other documentation.

Defending agains allegations of Medicaid fraud with the help of a Medicaid Lawyer in NYC

As a Medicaid lawyer in NYC, we can help you fight allegations of Medicaid fraud. If you received a Medicaid fraud investigation letter, you are worried about what’s going to happen next. We employ time tested and battle-worn tactics to beat Medicaid fraud investigations and achieve results for our clients. You have the option of not coming to the interview but sending your lawyer instead. You can use that right to obtain the best result in the investigation. You need a Medicaid lawyer NYC to either prove that the allegations have no basis or minimize the damage.

Defending against Medicaid estate recovery

As a Medicaid lawyer in NYC, we can help you minimize Medicaid estate recovery. Medicaid estate recovery in New York is more common than people realize. Under Social Services Law (SSL) Section 369, the state of New York may, and is actually required, to recover Medicaid benefits upon the death of a recipient. It applies to persons who received Medicaid benefits at the age of 55 or older or to persons who, regardless of age, were permanently institutionalized prior to their death. The state can recover the amount of Medicaid correctly paid from the date the recipient turned 55 years of age or the date of permanent institutionalization, whichever occurs first. You need a Medicaid lawyer in NYC in order to minimize estate recovery.

For all your Medicaid lawyer needs in NYC, you can call the Law Offices of Albert Goodwin at 212-233-1233 or 212-233-1233.

Attorney Albert Goodwin

Law Offices of
Albert Goodwin, PLLC
31 W 34 Str, Suite 7058
New York, NY 10001

Tel. 212-233-1233

[email protected]

Albert Goodwin, Esq. is a licenced New York attorney with over 15 years of courtroom experience. His extensive knowledge and expertise make him well-qualified to write authoritative articles on a wide range of legal topics.

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